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University finder

This is an HTML 5 website with client-side JavaScript (and supporting CSS, JSON, and image files). The major functionality of the Countries of the World web page completed, including the loading of the list of countries, the appropriate information is shown when selecting a country including its flag image, and the ability to switch the output between kilometers and miles. The Wikipedia lookup page completely working.


Dungeon of dragons

It is a Java Swing simple graphical role-playing game, including an opening splash screen, a simple character creation screen, and a battle summary screen. This application demonstrates my understanding of Superclass, Inheritance, Java UI elements, EventListener, Action Listener, JFrame, JPanel, and some other core concepts of java.

Java Swing

Social Media Feed

Created a web application in PHP using Laravel application framework that serves as a custom Social media feed site. In an administrative back-end area, the basic structure (i.e. users, posts, themes) of a website can be dynamically created and modified by only authorized users with the appropriate permissions.


Deck of cards

Used public API which generates random card on click, all data are dynamically added to the HTML DOM, non-functional javascript code, used API call with fetch, basic conditional logic is used to build the website.

vanilla JavaScript

MERN Stack Application

This is a full-stack application where users can register and log in. Created a full back-end API that holds all customer information, Mongo atlas is used for the database.


Countries flag

This is an HTML 5 website with client-side JavaScript (and supporting CSS, JSON, and image files). The major functionality of the Countries of the World web page completed, including the loading of the list of countries, the appropriate information is shown when selecting a country including its flag image, and the ability to switch the output between kilometers and miles. The Wikipedia lookup page completely working.


Halifax transit tracker

This is a web application that uses an API to display the current position of Halifax transit vehicles. I fetch the real-time data from API, filter and convert it into GeoJSON format. Used leaflet JS to display the map and current position of plot marker of vehicles. Added set interval functionality to auto-refresh after a certain interval of time.


Deh Lara Band

Created a multi-page band website maintaining the basic design fundamental, it has a home page with description, video gallery page, and contact page. Logo is created mannually using Inkscape, used Invision to create the wireframes.

HTML 5CSSBootstrapInVisionInkscape

Starship game

This is an web application game where you can shot enemy, avoid attack, and the game is over after certain number of collision. Every success shot attemt will update score and recognize the high score using the local storage. It was a group project and I contibuted on Preload & Sound implement ,update & Functions Implement, and resize and adjust screen

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